Date: 7/08/2016

Contact: Peter Gallotta, (415) 355-5002,

Citywide outreach campaign draws attention to used motor oil recycling through Muni bus ads, neighborhood billboards, and online ads.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- The San Francisco Department of the Environment was joined by Supervisor Katy Tang today at Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change in the Sunset District to draw attention to a citywide multicultural outreach campaign about used motor oil recycling. Used motor oil, when poured down the drain or put in the trash, can pollute waterways and the environment.

“When I was young, I would help my Dad change the oil in our family car. I know first-hand how important proper disposal is for keeping our communities clean and also protecting the environment,” said Katy Tang, member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors who represents the Sunset District. “Many of our residents change their own oil, just like my father and I did, and so I appreciate that the Department of Environment is educating our residents about used motor oil recycling.”

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三藩市環境局與市參事湯凱蒂於日落區 (Sunset) 活動上 指出棄置機油對環境造成的危害 (PDF) >